Family matters We can help

When Life Changes Require Modifications

At Rudolph & Associates LLC, we understand the parenting plan that was made when a child was two may no longer be in the child’s best interest years later.

With over 50 years of combined experience, we also understand what it takes to modify a plan so that it works.

Creating A New Plan That Works

Life can sometimes take an unforeseen turn. Major changes in a job, relationship or health can mean a parent will need to modify a plan. Changes in a child’s needs may also indicate that it’s time to revisit an old parenting plan. We can help you determine what needs to change when there is a substantial, material and unforeseeable change in circumstances.

We can work with you to ensure that any changes to your plan take into consideration your child’s safety and time with both parents, and creates a reasonable degree of consistency, which children need. 

Get The Counsel You Need To Move Forward

Call [561] 655-1901 to speak with an experienced attorney about the next steps. We will respond promptly.